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Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd – Regulatory Technologies (RegTech) Desk

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd is a Singaporean Multinational Group headquartered in Singapore. Sitting today Company is having more than 8 Verticals having 40 Business Streams. We do covers Clients across the Globe covering Markets like United States (US), Canadian Markets, Australia & New Zealand(ANZ), Asian Financial Markets (Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand and Philippines), OPEC Region (Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Bahrain), African Markets, Indian Markets and still counting.

Sitting today Company do have RegTech Desk where by covering the following ::

Alternative Investment Fund Management Directive (AIFMD), Anti Money Laundering Directive (AMLD), Basel III, BCBS 239, Benchmark Regulation, The Comprehensive Capital Analysis & Review (CCAR), Common Reporting (COREP), Capital Reforms Directive IV (CRD IV), Dodd Frank, European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR), The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) , Swiss Financial Services Act (FIDLEG), Financial Reporting (FINREP), Fundamental review of Trading Book (FRTB), Global Data Prevention Regulation (GDPR), Market Abuse Regulation (MAR), Market Abuse Directive (MAD), Markets in Financial Instrument Directive II (MiFID II), Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR), The National and Information Security (NIS), Securities Financing Transactions Regulations (SFTR), Undertakings for Collective Investments in transferable Securities (UCITS)

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd - Fixed Income Platform would be covering all 31 RegTech Regulations across the Globe. Our Fixed Income Knowledge Processing Outsourcing (KPO) covering technical developments of all 31 Regulations. During upcoming phases of our Fixed Income Platform we would be adding more RegTech capabilities.

Our Vision

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd is a Singaporean Multinational Group having $ 10 Million Corporate Valuation (Still Counting). Company envisaging to be a Platform Company whereby we would be adding more platform over existing Fixed Income Platform - (World's 1st Fixed Income Platform). We are planning to add World's 1st Monetization Desk - Monitfund to come in 2019 followed by P2P Repo Desk, Treasury Management Systems (TMS) by 2019, 2020 respectively.

Regulatory Technologies (RegTech) Desk

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd - RegTech Desk covering all 17 types of Regulatory Technologies from AFMD till SFTR. We envisaged to enhance the Capability of our Regulatory Technologies (RegTech) Desk which would cover Consulting, Implementation and RegTech Platforms. Our major focus would be Basel III, FRTB, MiFID II, SFTR and GDPR. Treasury Consulting envisaged to be a leading RegTech Player within coming years.

Basel III
BCBS 239


  • EU Directive focusses on Data and Transparency requirements
  • Covering Alternate Fund Managers, Fund registration, valuation and reporting process
  • Facilitate regulatory Systematic risk monitoring by improving transparency
  • AMLD aims to improve Financial System for the purpose of Money Laundering
  • Counter Terrorist Financing (CTF)
  • Policies and procedures to mitigate CTF, AML across EU nations
  • Comprehensive set of reforms designed to strengthen the supervision, stability and risk management of Banking Sector.
  • Regulation enhances banking strength via Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR), Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) across all continents and all Banks
  • The regulatory mandate requires firms to collect and analyse more data from their Risk Management Systems (RMS) to prevent contagion crisis.
  • BCBS 239 is a regulation designed by Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and is designed to improve risk data aggregation and reporting across Financial Markets.
  • It is based on 14 Principles that covering range from Information Technology (IT) to Data Governance and supervision.
  • BCBS 239 is a supplement of the Capital Adequacy requirements of Basel III, which considers whether firms have enough resources to monitor and cover risk exposures.
  • Benchmark regulation or Regulation on Indices used on benchmarks in Financial Instruments and Financial Contracts and benchmarks measuring the performance on measure of Investments funds.
  • The regulation defines a benchmark as "any index "by reference to which the amount payable under a Financial Instrument or Financial Contract whose value defined by such index.
  • We have three kinds of Benchmarks - Critical Benchmarks, Significant benchmarks,Non-Significant Benchmarks
  • The Comprehensive Capital Analysis & Review (CCAR) is an annual exercise carried out by Federal Reserve to assess whether the Largest Bank Holdings Companies (BHC) operating in US have significant capital to continue operating throughout stress timings and forward-looking Capital Planning Processes.
  • BHC with consolidated assets of $ 50 Billion or more are required to submit Annual Capital Plans for review.
  • The Federal Reserve can object the plans if they feel either Quantitative or Qualitative elements or assumptions or systems are not in line with plans shared.
  • Common Reporting's (COREP) is a standardised reporting framework issued by European Banking Authority (EBA) for reporting's under Capital Reforms Directive IV (CRD IV)
  • The framework includes a number of templates to support the reporting of Credit Risk, Market Risk, Operational Risk, Own Funds and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)
  • COREP also means altering processes, implementing management oversight of reports and reviewing reports of accuracy in a timely manner.
  • Capital Reforms Directive IV (CRD IV) is a 4th version of EU regulation that implements Basel III type standards covering Market Liquidity Risk and Capital Adequacy Ratios (CAR)
  • The directive is divided into 2 Parts: The Capital Reforms Regulation (CRR) which applies to all firms in European Union (EU) and includes most of the Basel III. 2nd is Capital Requirements Directive (CRD).
  • CRD IV applies to investments firms, Credit Institutions within the scope of Markets in Financial Institutions Directive II (MiFID II) and focusses on improving the Quality and Quantity of the available Capital.
  • The Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank) is a US Government Regulation that was introduced in 2010 in an attempt to prevent the recurrence of events that triggered the 2008.
  • The regulation largely covers the Swaps Market which was largely unregulated and is designed to promote the Financial Stability of large US Banks.
  • Dodd-Frank includes a large number of rules that have been implemented by the US SEC along with the additional reforms designed to strength the Financial Infrastructure, improves transparency and reduces risk.
  • European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) is an EU regulation aimed at improving the transparency of Over the Counter (OTC) Derivatives and reducing risks associated with these markets.
  • Under EMIR both Counterparties to a trade must ensure that data related to a concluded trade, as well as counterparty data related to the entities involved in the trade must be reported to a Trade repository.
  • EMIR mandates the use of Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) and Unique Trade Identifier (UTI) which is common to both parties to a trade for reporting to a trade repository. The combination of these identifiers in a complex reporting system can be difficult to manage.
  • The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is a US Government regulation that requires Foreign Financial Institutions (FFI) with US Clients to carry the burden of tax reporting to those Clients to the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  • FATCA calls for sensitive client data, such as tax, residency, citizenship and account status information to be gathered, the data management requirements. These requirements are best met by integrating FATCA with KYC during client onboarding in tax systems.
  • We do have firm's wo are within the scope of Global FTACA known as GATCA. GATCA uses a model agreement similar to FATCA Model 1 IGA and OECD reporting standard for the automatic exchange tax information between countries.
  • TFIDLEG or Swiss Financial Services Act is a Swiss Government Regulation designed to reshape the regulatory framework governing Swiss Financial Markets.
  • The regulation is similar in scope and requirements particularly around transparency to EU MiFID II and will allow Switzerland a third country framework to continue to access EU Financial Markets.
  • Like MiFID II FIDLEG is based on comprehensive set of rules to conduct, including a duty to provide information to clients and ensure services and products offered are suitable for them.
  • Financial Reporting (FINREP) forms part of European Banking Authority (EBA) supervisory reporting framework and provides standardised EU wide framework for reporting Financial Accounting Data.
  • In total FINREP includes more than 50 templates and 6500 data fields that must be populated with core and non-core Quantitative Financial data.
  • FINREP like COREP introduces in 2014 as a part of Capital Requirements Directive IV (CRD IV) which aims to harmonise reporting across EU.
  • The regulation exposes fundamental weakness in the overall design of Banking Book as well as Trading Book. Regulation focusses on revised Internal Model Approach (IMA) to Market Risk, Capital requirements and shift from Value at Risk (VAR) to Expected Shortfall (ES) Approach.
  • The replacement of Value at Risk (VAR) with an Expected Shortfall (ES) measure of risk is expected to improve the capture of Tail Risk which is risks of unforeseen events which are not captured in Bank models.
  • To reduce arbitrage of the regulatory capital between the Banking Book and Trading Book, FRTB imposes a revised boundary between these Books. There are many regulations in FRTB which are yet to be finalised example - Data Management challenge in the books of Banks something not yet answered in current guidelines.
  • Global Data Prevention Regulation (GDPR) is a European Regulation designed to harmonise data privacy laws across Europe. It is designed to protect EU citizens personal information and reshape the way organizations across the region approach data privacy.
  • GDPR doesn't make distinctions between industries and sectors but its extensive demands will have a major impact on the Financial sector and require financial firms to rethink as how they create Data Management Systems (DMS) and manage personal data.
  • GDPR introduces strong enforcement for EU firms to protect the data privacy. Data breaches at Financial Institutions that are likely to cause significant damage to customers must be reported to Data Protection Authority (DPA) within 72 Hrs. and customers must be notified without undue delay.
  • Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) strengths EU rules on Market integrity and investor protection. The regulation aims to challenge insider dealing and market manipulation in European Financial Markets.
  • Where MAD applied to Financial Instruments admitted to trading on an EU regulated market, MAR includes instruments traded on Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTF) or Organised Trading Facility (OTF).
  • In terms of coverage MAR includes all kinds of Benchmarks like Strategic Benchmarks, Critical Benchmarks and Non-Critical Benchmarks, Emission Trading, Structured Finance, Algorithmic Trading and High Frequency Trading (HFT)
  • Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR) is an EU Regulation associated with Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II) that aims to harmonise the trading of Securities and improve investor protection in European Union (EU)
  • MiFID II focusses on market infrastructure, MiFIR builds out transaction reporting requirements by setting out number of new reporting regulations and complements the directive commitment to trading data transparency.
  • All stipulated transactions under MiFIR should be reported using ISO 20022 formatting standard. All instruments like Over the Counter (OTC), Exchange Traded Derivatives (ETD) are covered under MiFIR II
  • Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR) is an EU regulation and part of the drive by EU to increase transparency of the activities broadly categorised as Shadow Banking
  • SFT are typically transactions that use securities to borrow cash like Repurchase Obligations (Repo) or Reverse Repurchase Obligations (Reverse Repo). SFT do covers Securities and Commodities lending, Margin lending and Total Return Swaps (TRS)
  • The regulation scope is broad covering SFT made by firms established in EU, EU branches on non-EU firms and SFT where Securities used are issued by an EU issuer or by an EU branch of the firm.
  • Prudential Regulation Authority's (PRA's) proposals on a cashflow mismatch risk (CFMR) framework and other PRA methodologies for assessing firms' liquidity risk, under the Pillar 2 liquidity ('Pillar 2') framework.
  • The Pillar 2 framework is intended to complement the Pillar 1 regime by considering liquidity risks not captured, or not fully captured, under Pillar 1.3 Assessments under the Pillar 2 framework form part of the PRA's Liquidity Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (LSREP). In designing a Pillar 2 framework to assess and mitigate significant sources of liquidity risk, the PRA is seeking to ensure that firms have adequate liquidity, which contributes to the PRA's objective of promoting the safety and soundness of firms.
  • In CP21/16, the PRA outlined the objectives of the Pillar 2 framework, its scope, and planned future work. It proposed a Statement of Policy (SOP) on its approach to three Pillar 2 risks: intraday liquidity, debt buyback, and non-margined derivatives. It also made proposals on the level of application of Pillar 2 and the PRA's expectations relating to disclosure of Pillar 2.4 This CP builds on those proposals.
  • Covering entire dismantling of ACU vs DBU Books whereby we would be covering all aspects of Banks Front, Middle, Risk Office Architecture.
  • Covering all thee Conversions at Front Office Level – FX Exposures, IR Exposures (With Libor), IR Exposures (Without Libor), Non-IR Exposures (Commodities, Energy,FixedIncome)
  • Covering System Integration Testing (SIT) which includes Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) – SAP, Oracle, Treasury Management Systems (TMS) – Murex, Calypso,SunGard, FIS.

Treasury Consulting Group
- RegTech Desk

  • AMLD4
  • Basel III
  • Benchmark Regulation
  • CRD IV

Treasury Consulting Group
- RegTech Desk

  • Fundamental Review of Trading Book (FRTB)
  • Global Data Prevention Regulation (GDPR)
  • Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II
  • Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation
  • Securities Financing Transactions Regulations

Regulatory Technologies (RegTech Desk) covers all aspects of Regulatory Technologies like AiFMD, AMLD4, Basel III, BCBS 239, Benchmark Regulation, CCAR, COREP, CRD IV, Dodd Frank (DF), EMIR I, II, FATCA, FINREP, FRTB, GDPR, MAR, MAD, MiFIR, SFTR and last not least PRA 110. Watch Video

Regulatory Technologies (RegTech Desk) covers all aspects of Regulatory Technologies like AiFMD, AMLD4, Basel III, BCBS 239, Benchmark Regulation, CCAR, COREP, CRD IV, Dodd Frank (DF), EMIR I, II, FATCA, FINREP, FRTB, GDPR, MAR, MAD, MiFIR, SFTR and last not least PRA 110. Watch Video

Regulatory Technologies (RegTech Desk) covers all aspects of Regulatory Technologies like AiFMD, AMLD4, Basel III, BCBS 239, Benchmark Regulation, CCAR, COREP, CRD IV, Dodd Frank (DF), EMIR I, II, FATCA, FINREP, FRTB, GDPR, MAR, MAD, MiFIR, SFTR and last not least PRA 110. Watch Video

Regulatory Technologies (RegTech Desk) covers all aspects of Regulatory Technologies like AiFMD, AMLD4, Basel III, BCBS 239, Benchmark Regulation, CCAR, COREP, CRD IV, Dodd Frank (DF), EMIR I, II, FATCA, FINREP, FRTB, GDPR, MAR, MAD, MiFIR, SFTR and last not least PRA 110. Watch Video

Regulatory Technologies (RegTech Desk) covers all aspects of Regulatory Technologies like AiFMD, AMLD4, Basel III, BCBS 239, Benchmark Regulation, CCAR, COREP, CRD IV, Dodd Frank (DF), EMIR I, II, FATCA, FINREP, FRTB, GDPR, MAR, MAD, MiFIR, SFTR and last not least PRA 110. Watch Video

Regulatory Technologies (RegTech Desk) covers all aspects of Regulatory Technologies like AiFMD, AMLD4, Basel III, BCBS 239, Benchmark Regulation, CCAR, COREP, CRD IV, Dodd Frank (DF), EMIR I, II, FATCA, FINREP, FRTB, GDPR, MAR, MAD, MiFIR, SFTR and last not least PRA 110. Watch Video

Regulatory Technologies (RegTech Desk) covers all aspects of Regulatory Technologies like AiFMD, AMLD4, Basel III, BCBS 239, Benchmark Regulation, CCAR, COREP, CRD IV, Dodd Frank (DF), EMIR I, II, FATCA, FINREP, FRTB, GDPR, MAR, MAD, MiFIR, SFTR and last not least PRA 110. Watch Video

Regulatory Technologies (RegTech Desk) covers all aspects of Regulatory Technologies like AiFMD, AMLD4, Basel III, BCBS 239, Benchmark Regulation, CCAR, COREP, CRD IV, Dodd Frank (DF), EMIR I, II, FATCA, FINREP, FRTB, GDPR, MAR, MAD, MiFIR, SFTR and last not least PRA 110. Watch Video

Regulatory Technologies (RegTech Desk) covers all aspects of Regulatory Technologies like AiFMD, AMLD4, Basel III, BCBS 239, Benchmark Regulation, CCAR, COREP, CRD IV, Dodd Frank (DF), EMIR I, II, FATCA, FINREP, FRTB, GDPR, MAR, MAD, MiFIR, SFTR and last not least PRA 110. Watch Video

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd - Regulatory Technology (RegTech) Audits

RegTech Audits (Global) - Advanced Series

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd (Singaporean Multinational Group) - Regulatory Technology (RegTech) Desk - Global, Local RegTech Audits

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RegTech Audits (Global) - Moderate Series

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd (Singaporean Multinational Group) - Regulatory Technology (RegTech) Desk - Global, Local RegTech Audits

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RegTech Audits (Global) - Basic Series

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd (Singaporean Multinational Group) - Regulatory Technology (RegTech) Desk - Global, Local RegTech Audits

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RegTech Audits (Localisation) - India Series

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd (Singaporean Multinational Group) - Regulatory Technology (RegTech) Desk - Global, Local RegTech Audits

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RegTech Audits (Localisation) - SG Series

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd (Singaporean Multinational Group) - Regulatory Technology (RegTech) Desk - Global, Local RegTech Audits

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RegTech Audits (Localisation) - HK Series

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd (Singaporean Multinational Group) - Regulatory Technology (RegTech) Desk - Global, Local RegTech Audits

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RegTech Audits (Localisation) - AUS Series

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd (Singaporean Multinational Group) - Regulatory Technology (RegTech) Desk - Global, Local RegTech Audits

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RegTech Audits (Localisation) - US Series

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd (Singaporean Multinational Group) - Regulatory Technology (RegTech) Desk - Global, Local RegTech Audits

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RegTech Audits (Localisation) - NZ Series

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd (Singaporean Multinational Group) - Regulatory Technology (RegTech) Desk - Global, Local RegTech Audits

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Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd - RegTech Desk

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Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd - Regulatory Technologies (RegTech) Desk covering Consulting of all types of RegTech Products like Alternative Investment Fund Management Directive (AIFMD), Anti Money Laundering Directive (AMLD), Basel III, BCBS 239, Benchmark Regulation, The Comprehensive Capital Analysis & Review (CCAR), Common Reporting (COREP), Capital Reforms Directive IV (CRD IV), Dodd Frank, European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR), The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) , Swiss Financial Services Act (FIDLEG), Financial Reporting (FINREP), Fundamental review of Trading Book (FRTB), Global Data Prevention Regulation (GDPR) and respective Regulatory Technologies.


Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd - Regulatory Technologies (RegTech) Desk covering Implementation of all RegTech Products. In Implementation we working for Corporates, Banks, Financial Institutions (FI). We cover all three Phases like Built Transfer (BT), Built Operate Transfer (BOT), Built Operate Own Transfer (BOOT). During Implementation Phase we would be linking RegTech with Financial Terminals like Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg, Meta Trader 4 (MT4), Meta Trader 5 (MT5), Teletrader and respective Platform.

Platform Regtech

Treasury Consulting Pte Ltd - Regulatory Technologies (RegTech) would operate from Singapore and provide 24X5 Support covering Valuation, Pricing, Modelling, Repo Trades, Alternative Investment Management (AIM) and respective Strategies. We interact via Financial Terminals, Proprietary Messengers, Social Networks, Email, Phone Communications and respective Platform.

Regulatory Desk (Regtech) Blogs

Treasury Consulting Group (TCG)

Welcome to ​Treasury Consulting Group (TCG) - Singaporean Multinational HQ Group. TCG owns World's 1st Derivatives Bot - Julia who is also be World's 1st Virtual CFO Assistant.

Your conversation with Julia may be recorded for Training, Quality Control and Dispute handling purposes by TCG Legal Entities (World wide). Julia covering 16+ Assets Classes, 160+ Sub Asset Classes, 1000+ Sub Sub Asset Classes, 2000+ Sub Sub Sub Assets Classes, 5000+ Questions, Inbuilt Sliders (Downloadable) & Still Counting.

By 2024 Julia would cover 4 Languages (EN, CN, JP, EU) and would be a Multilingual Chatbot in Financial Markets.

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